I have been skateboarding since the age of 6 when I got my first skateboard. I was probably the first young girl with a skateboard in my small village of Lungern, Switzerland, half-way between
Lucerne and Interlaken. I have always been riding with my brother. He has supported me over the past years, during races and training! It is his
encouragement and support which has kept me persevering. I like skateboarding so much and it is my ambition to push myself harder and harder in my quest to become a world-class champion!
Year of Birth: 1986
Nationality: Swiss
Education at the University of Bern: 2006-2012
Master of Science in Sport Science
Major: Sport Science
Minor: Educational Science
Pedagogy Diploma for High-School Level
“PH Bern Lehrdiplom Sek II in Sport and Pedagogy/Psychology”: 2012-2014
Diploma of Advanced Studies TanzKultur: 2010-2012
at the University of Bern